Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How to Eat Out Every Night in Nashville

Probably not very affordable or healthy, but interesting info nonetheless!


I love Mafiaoza's....FYI.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

In My Opinion...

The movie Doubt is not that good.
The book "The Tipping Point" by Malcom Gladwell is very good.
30 Rock is awesome, I have now jumped on the bandwagon (better late than never?)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Thumbs up:

Beer: Magic Hat #9
Wine: Maximo Tempranillo 2006
Cocktail: Pomegranate Martini -- J. Alexander's
Appetizer: Battered Artichoke Hearts -- Mere Bulles
Dessert: The Chocolate Chip -- Bricktops

Chelsea Handler

She is my idol:


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Love & Loathe: Around Town

Off the top of my head:

Saturday brunch at Jackson's
Buckets o'beer & queso at SATCO
Corner Pub GH's patio in the spring & summer
Paradise Park (except when the crowd is in violation of the State of Tennessee's fire code, which unfortunately is quite often)
Thursday Ladies Night 2 for 1s @ Broadway Brewhouse
Centennial Park
Hillsboro Village
Krave Frozen Yogurt in Green Hills

Green Hills Traffic anytime of day except Sundays between 8-9 am
Cadillac Ranch....STD cesspool. No thanks, my mom raised me better than that.
Marilyn Farms YMCA....practically forcing me to not workout due to crowds larger than those at Neyland Stadium on fall Saturdays
Chili's/O'Charley's/Moe's and any other eatery in Brentwood that my co-workers frequent for lunch....chain restaurants....UGH. Although I am a sucker for Ruby Tuesday's salad bar...sorry.

Viva Nashvegas!

Why am I blogging? Good question. The obvious answer is that I have too much time on my hands......which is probably true. In an effort to find new hobbies (aka ones that do not directly involve shopping, drinking, or reality television), I have decided to share some of my experiences as a transplanted Ohioan down south, while showcasing my charming personality and (self-proclaimed) expert opinions of all that is hot and not-so-hot in Music City, USA. Cheers?